LCS Employee Research Nets Top Marks of Staff Retention
Life is too short and it’s never too late to find love —again! They dated for a year before tying the knot; and what a story they have.. By David…

You don’t have to be a Masters Swimmer to benefit from swimming. Far from it. Here at Windsor, our indoor aquatic center is thoroughly used by our residents. In fact,…
LCS Focuses on Building Technology-Driven Business Value
Medical Research Class Benefits from LCS Foundation Donation
As your Dad’s caregiver, you’ve spent a lot of time—and money—providing him with the support he needs. You’ve found that you’re not only emotionally drained, but financially drained, too. Fortunately,…
PODCAST: Technology for Health, Wellness and Lifestyle Improvement
Echoing the design flair of Florida’s grand hotels, Big Rock Partners’ new $82 million Windsor at Celebration rental community near Orlando is not open, introducing a new generation of senior…
In this fourth and final part, Tony Galvan, Director of Health and Wellness, discusses what the LCS Resident Advisory Council feels senior living communities should be considering to best position…